Institutional Refund Policy

This policy applies to all terminations for any reason, by either party, including student decision, course or program cancellation, or school closure. A refund is based on the period of the student’s enrollment, computed on the basis of course time expressed in scheduled hours, as specified by the enrollment agreement. This policy follows the requirements set forth by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. This refund policy provides for the refund of any unused part of tuition, fees, and other charges paid by a student who, at the expiration of the cancellation period (within three (3) days of signing the enrollment agreement, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays): (1) fails to enter the course of training; (2) withdraws from the course of training; or (3) is terminated from the course of training before completion of the course.

1.    Student who have not visited the school facility prior to enrollment will have the opportunity to withdraw without penalty within three (3) days following either attendance at a regularly scheduled orientation or following a tour of the facilities and inspection of the equipment.
2.    A full refund of money paid by the student will be made if the student: (1) Entered into the enrollment agreement because of a misrepresentation in advertising/promotional materials of the school or by an owner or representative of the school or (2) was enrolled in a course of instruction that is cancelled by the School.
3.    Any monies due the applicant or student shall be refunded within 30 days of official cancellation or withdrawal. Official cancellation or withdrawal shall occur on the earlier of the dates that:
a.    An applicant is not accepted by the school. This applicant shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid to the school.
b.    A student (or in the case of a student under legal age, his/her parent or guardian) cancels his/her contract, within three (3) days of signing the enrollment agreement, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. In this case all monies collected by the school shall be refunded. This policy applies regardless of whether the student has started training.
c.    A student who cancels his/her contract after three (3) days of signing the contract but prior to entering classes is entitled to a refund of all monies paid to the school.
d.    The effective date of the withdrawal for refund purposes is the earliest of: (a) the last date of attendance, if the student is terminated by the school; (b) the date the school receives student’s written notice of withdrawal; or (c) 10 school days after the last date of attendance.
e.    For official cancellations (paragraphs b and c) and official withdrawals, the cancellation/withdrawal date will be determined by the postmark on written notification, or the date said information is delivered to the school administrator/owner in person.
f.    Money paid for student kits is nonrefundable. However, if a student withdraws from the program within the first 30 days and returns the kit unopened and in new condition, the amount charged for the kit will be refunded.
g.    A student who is terminated from the course of training before completion of the course. The refund is based on the period of the student’s enrollment, computed on the basis of course time expressed in scheduled hours, as specified by an enrollment agreement, contract, or other document acceptable to the department; the effective date of the termination for refund purposes is the earliest of the last date of attendance.
4.    Any monies due a student who unofficially withdraws from the institution shall be refunded within 30 days of a determination by the institution that the student has withdrawn without notifying the institution. Unofficial withdrawals are monitored and a determination is made to withdraw a student who has been absent from school for 10 consecutive school days; the withdrawal date that will be used in this calculation is the student’s actual last date of attendance. If a student unofficially withdraws and they received Federal Loans, the loans will go into repayment.
5.    When situations involve mitigating circumstances, such as serious illness, a disabling accident, or death in the immediate family, the school may make a settlement that is reasonable and fair to both parties.
6.   All extra costs, such as books, equipment, graduation fees, registration fee, rentals, and other such charges, are not considered in the tuition adjustment computation if the charges are itemized separately in the enrollment agreement. Monies paid for supplies and equipment are nonrefundable after three (3) days of signing the enrollment agreement but prior to entering classes.
7.   If a course is cancelled subsequent to a student’s enrollment, and before instruction in the course has begun, the school shall either provide a full refund of all monies paid or provide completion of the course.
8.   A student’s account may be sent to collections for nonpayment.
9.   If the school closes permanently and no longer offer instruction after a student has enrolled, the school will provide a pro rata refund of tuition to the student.

If a student begins a course of training at a private beauty culture school that is scheduled to run not more than 12 months and, during the last 50% of the course, withdraws from the course or is terminated by the school, the school:
1.    may retain 100% of the tuition and fees paid by the student; and
2.    is not obligated to refund any additional outstanding tuition.

If a student begins a course of training at a private beauty culture school that is scheduled to run not more than 12 months and, before the last 50% of the course, withdraws from the course or is terminated by the school, the school shall refund:
1.    90% of any outstanding tuition for a withdrawal or termination that occurs during the first week or first one-tenth of the course, whichever period is shorter,
2.    80% of any outstanding tuition for a withdrawal or termination that occurs after the first week or first one-tenth of the course, whichever period is shorter, but within the first three weeks of the course;
3.   75% of any outstanding tuition for a withdrawal or termination that occurs after the first three weeks but no later than the completion of the 25% of the course, and
4.   50% of any outstanding tuition for a withdrawal or termination that occurs no later than the completion of the first 50 percent of the course.

A refund owed under this section must be paid not later than the 30th day after the date the student becomes eligible for the refund.
If tuition is not refunded within 30 days, the School shall pay interest on the amount of the refund for the period beginning the first day after the date the refund period expires and ending the day proceeding the date the refund is made.  If tuition is refunded to a lending institution, the interest shall be paid to that institution and applied against the student loan.